Når Oscaren skal uddeles for bedste animerede film til februar næste år, er der maksimalt tre film der kan nomineres til denne. Men for at for at opnå en nominering, skal en film først blive erklæret for at være kvalificeret.

I år er der 11 film, der kvalificerer sig:
“Clifford’s Really Big Movie”
“Disney’s Teacher’s Pet”
“Ghost in the Shell 2: INNOCENCE”
“De Frygtløse – The Muuhvie”
“De Utrolige”
“The Legend of Buddha”
“The Polar Express”
“Shrek 2”
“Stor Ståhaj”
“Sky Blue”
“The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie”

4 af filmene,”De Utrolige”, “The Polar Express”, “Sky Blue” og “The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie”, har dog endnu ikke haft premiere, og deres kvalificering er bundet til at de får premiere indenfor 2004.

I januar 2005 annonceres det hvilke af de ovenstående film, der bliver de tre Oscar-nominerede.

Vis kommentarer (14)

#1 filmz-thomasb84 19 år siden

Håber på Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence. Den film ser fantastisk ud.
An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing

#2 Sealer 19 år siden

heh sad faktisk lige og tænkt på oscar i dag heh

#3 nostromo 19 år siden

I hope for the Incredible, though, Ghost in the Shell 2 is a real achievement and it is pretty much a descendant of a legend in serious animation, I think the Incredible will win. Or Shrek 2.

Remember the Oscars, are a product of their culture. At this point the US, is not in favor of films that is NOT CUT OUT IN CARDBOARD, as you say.

Also Ghost in the Shell is probably a movie most Americans cannot identify with and therefore either didn't see it or didn't want to see it...

As for the others... Well... Polar Express has a chance cause it is very american and it boast an impressive cast of people.

But to see The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie on that list, amongst all those wonderful and real well made movies, is quite frankly insulting.

It is like seeing Jay and Silent Bob strike back (which is a funny movie) next to Lord of the rings. I mean The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie and Ghost in the shell are a world apart. What is it doing there???

You be the judge...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#4 filmz-Kaffekongen 19 år siden

Er der overhovedet nogen der har ser ghost in shell 2 ?? inden i udtaler jer!
Hail to the King, baby! -Ash
billed af dvd-samling: http://www.absolute.cc/_borders/23_20a.jpg

#5 Corax 19 år siden

Jeg tror (håber) at disse 3 bliver nomineret!
"Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence"
"De Utrolige"
"Shrek 2"

Og jeg tror det er Shrek 2 der vinder, men nu har jeg selvfølgelig ikke set "De Utrolige" endnu. Men udfra trailerne vil jeg påstå at den bliver ligeså populær og god som resten af Pixars film.

Men jeg har ren faktisk set Ghost in the Shell 2. Den er utrolig flot og har en god historie men jeg synes ikke at den overall er ligeså god som 1'eret.

Dem der gerne vil se GITS2: Innocence har muligheden her i weekenden da den bliver vist under J-Popcon i Valby medborgerhus.
J-Popcon startede i dag (fredag) kl. 14 og slutter på søndag som er dagen hvor GITS2 også bliver vist.

#6 The Duck 19 år siden

Håber Shrek 2 vinder oscaren, den er XC...

#7 filmz-vassago 19 år siden

Jeg har også set "Innocence", og jeg var ret skuffet, synes slet ikke at den er i samme klasse som den "Ghost in the Shell". Flot, men ret kedelig.
"For me, the cinema is not a slice of life, but a piece of cake" - A. Hitchcock

#8 filmz-ceviv 19 år siden

ja den gik i stå et par gange og den havde en meget underlig spændingskurve efter min mening plusalt for mange underlige pauser med for meget metafysisk pladder (ikke at det ikke er godt i afmålte mængder men det ødelagde handlingen)

flot men alt for rodet efter min smag

#9 nostromo 19 år siden

Well just to clarify, this, Ghost in the Shell 2 wasn't my cup of tea either, however, it was well made. Not better than The Incredibles or Shrek 2 perhaps, but what I wanted to point out was simply that we are looking at two different kinds of categories. One is CGI animation and the other is a mix of old school and CGI.

Unfortunately the mix of CGI is NOT always the best solution.

In any-case. I vote for the Incredibles, or Shrek 2.

I am not that big an Anime fan, so, still my favorite of them all is Cowboy Bebop the series and movie.
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#10 filmz-smr 19 år siden

Shrek 2
Den er godt lavet, virkelig virkelig godt lavet, og den har humor nice musik, o.s.v.
Bite ME

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