Ben Affleck er snart aktuel i Kevin Smiths sjette film, “Jersey Girl”, og han fortæller i et interview med E! Online at han selv mener at det er hans bedste skuespillerpræstation indtil nu.

Ifølge Affleck er “Jersey Girl” en “vidunderlig, voksen, klassisk Hollywood-film.” Han fortæller også at Smith er lidt spændt på hvordan filmen vil blive modtaget af instruktørens “Jay and Silent Bob”-fans:

… han tog et skridt fremad og han er lidt nervøs for at hans fans vil hade denne film. Men jeg tror at han vil gøre sit publikum større. ‘Jersey Girl’ er mere ærlig overfor hvor han er i sit liv nu end i forhold til, du ved, Jay and Silent Bob der siger ‘Snoochie Boochies.'

“Jersey Girl” får amerikansk premiere 19. marts.

Vis kommentarer (16)

#1 Captain Vallo 21 år siden

Jeg befinder mig nu meget godt i et liv, hvor man kan sige 'Snoochie Boochies'... lunchbox.
If there was a god
then why is my arse
the perfect height for kicking?

#2 DarkLight 21 år siden

Det gør jeg egentlig også.
Don't mess with the Snoochie Boochies!
This weekend will be filled with staring out of windows while holding a glass of scotch.

#3 davenport 21 år siden

Fuck motherfuck fuck fuck fuck motherfuck..

Min fars fætter, har bare mødt John Williams! Æh, Bæh!!

#4 chandler75 21 år siden

"Some people have bad taste and others have taste more like mine." - Roger Ebert

#5 Captain Vallo 21 år siden

...og jeg er så ikke den eneste, kan jeg forstå.
If there was a god
then why is my arse
the perfect height for kicking?

#6 coolflash 21 år siden

...nej -_-

Fifteen bucks, little man, put that shit in my hand, if that money doesn't show, then you owe me, owe me, owe. My jungle love, yeah, Owe-ee, owe-ee, owe, I think I want to know ya, know ya! Yeah, what?
"Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need."

#7 Spanner 21 år siden

Hey baby, have you ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?
"You fuhl no man can kil me die no ay not man" - Erlingur666
"Do not talk to me about pork when we have a crisis on my hands!!" - Producerem

#8 chandler75 21 år siden

- Tell us something about me.
- You masturbate more than anyone on the planet.
- Everyone knows that... Tell me something no one knows.
- When you do it, you thing about guys.
- Dude, not all the time...
"Some people have bad taste and others have taste more like mine." - Roger Ebert

#9 Ikari 21 år siden

I didn't come in you, Pete, I swear.

#10 filmz-Daniel_Logan 21 år siden

So, is it true that chicks fart when you blast 'em in the ass?
I am like a wild horse, and you can't tame me..

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