Michael Moores “Fahrenheit 9/11” vandt for nylig kritikerprisen på filmfestivalen i Cannes, og den kontroversielle instruktør har nu sat prikken over i’et og vundet hovedprisen – De Gyldne Palmer.
“Fahrenheit 9/11” undersøger forbindelsen mellem George W. Bush og Bin Laden-familien, og dokumenterer desuden det aktuelle emne om tortur af irakiske krigsfanger.
Filmen får dansk premiere 13. august.
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Som CNN tørt bemærker:
"Last June in Kennebunkport, the president fell while riding a "Segway Human Transporter." First lady Laura Bush witnessed the spill; a picture of Bush falling forward was published on numerous Web sites. He was not injured.
In January 2002, Bush fainted for a brief time in the residence of the White House while eating a pretzel and watching a professional football game on television.
At the time, Tubb said the president blacked out and fell to the floor from a couch but appeared to have recovered quickly.
Following that incident, Bush had a bruise on his lower lip and a scrape on his left cheek bone about the size of a half-dollar. Bush believed his head either hit the floor or a table next to the couch and that his glasses cut his face."
#20 Corgan 20 år siden
Hvorfor det?