Der kommer som bekendt to “Star Wars” tv-serier i kølvandet på den sidste “Star Wars”-film. Hvor den ene vil være en animeret fortsættelse på “Clone Wars” er der stadig kun spekulationer om hvad den anden serie vil komme til at indeholde.

Det nyeste rygte omkring den kommende Live-action “Star Wars” tv-serie vil vide at historien vil centrere omkring Han Solo. Historien skulle starte på Kashyyyk under seperatisternes invasion, og skulle lede frem til hvordan Han Solo ender op som den smugler vi møder i “Stjernekrigen”.

Disse spekulationer er yderligere blevet underbygget af at Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) tilsyneladende skulle have indgået en mange-årig kontrakt med LucasFilm, under forhandlingerne til “Sith-fyrsternes hævn”.

Vis kommentarer (27)

#1 filmz-Exitium 18 år siden

hmm, hellere en serie om Bobba Feets eventyr, i galaksen
"I dont wanna discuss how my fucking coffee tast like!"

#2 filmz-birsimodm 18 år siden


#3 ajust 18 år siden

Synes Han Solo er sej og Chewbacca er da mega cool :D
Men kun hvis det bliver med Harrison Ford, og kun hvis han kan holde niveuet(staveplade) fra de gamle film :p

#4 filmz-Kadann 18 år siden

Der er kun én mand der kan spille Han Solo og det er Harrison Ford.. han er for gammel til at spille rollen under de omstændigheder, så det går slet ikke. :) - -

#5 myggen 18 år siden

Lad dem da lave det, hvis det er noget lort, så lader vi være at se det, hvis det er cool, så vinder alle :)

"...ender op..." - ja tøser, så kan I godt stikke jeres ender op (<- eneste sammenhæng det udtryk bør bruges i)
Kværulant extraordinaire

#6 Confused101 18 år siden

Han Solo som serie kunne være uden Harrison Ford, holder den bare ikke. Forslaget med Boba Fett er derimod den vej de burde gå. Ikke så meget pga. figuren er fordi figuren går med hjelm og har forvrænget stemmen. Ergo kan praktisk taget hvilken som helst skuespiller være indeni, uden at pisse fans af. Plus naturligvis at vi ikke ved meget om Boba Fett, og manuskriptforfatterne har forholdsvis frie hænder.

#7 nostromo 18 år siden

Seeing ANY character who is played by other than the real actor is totally bogus. I mean WHY oh WHY is it that the Star Wars franchise is suffering from having a GOOD goddamn story written that is NEW!!!

I am tired of the same old shit...

Look at the countless stories out there on both books, and comics.

But the show may suffer the same weak story lines as the original. While often you can get away with it in movies, in series it is a different ordeal..

But as myggen says, if it's crap we wont watch is... Like Star Trek Enterprise...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#8 filmz-vlx 18 år siden

Hvad skal serien så hedde?

The Adventures of Young Han Solo

Synes det minder mig om et eller andet som lucas allerede har lavet med en ynger udgave af selvsamme skuespiller :)

#9 nostromo 18 år siden

You are right, Confused101

It could work if they concentrate the story arc between episode III and IV. He could have been responsible for helping Vader to hunt down and kill the remaining Jedi.

Hence why Vader took him in Episode V, he might have known Boba from before. As he kinda had a confrontation with his dad Jango.

Yeah I see it work, but then they would need a Maui guy to play him when he is NOT using his mask. And he has to be good enough to pull off the grief and hatred he has towards the Jedi.

Also, he has to fall for a woman or in any case, has to fall vicim of personal anguish. If a series has to be drawn up, he has to be more human and have more personal problems in order to make the character interesting enough to be viewable in the long run.

But what would be cool to see, is his relationship with Darth Vader. Perhaps Vader uses him to help him hunt down the Jedi in all corners of the Galaxy, in which case, it would be very interesting to see how it all would turn out. What story lines could eventually merge the loose ends in the Star Wars universe now that we didn't see Boba in Episode III?

Yeah I could see it work, but not with Han Solo and the monkey boy...

PS. Sorry for thinking that Enterprise sucks, but quite a few of us think it is lame and that is why it didn't see Season 5 and 6 and even 7.

While granted it was getting better it was still too childish in manor and story writing...

Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#10 nostromo 18 år siden

The Boba Fett story could be called...

Star Wars : Loose ends... ;-)

Star Wars : Hart of Darkness

Star Wars : The War in Between

Star Wars : The Adventures of Boba Fett ( A typical Lucas title )

Star Wars : Destined Paths

Star Wars : Jedis End

Star Wars : The beginning of the end

Star Wars : Path of Darkness

Star Wars : Vengeful Souls

Star Wars : Path of Vengeance
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

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