Som altid er der nogen der ikke bare kan læne sig tilbage og nyde en god film, men absolut skal finde forstørrelsesglasset frem for at finde ting i filmen som ikke helt kan passe. Problemer med kontinuiteten. Ølglas der skifter fra grøn til rød. Sår der kommer og går.
Disse folk poster deres observationer på Movie Mistakes og indtil videre er det lykkedes dem at finde 44 af sådanne fejl i “Ringenes Herre: Kongen Vender Tilbage”.
Som altid er nogle af disse observationer mere reelle end andre og man har mulighed for vende tommelfingeren op eller ned på de fejl der er blevet observeret.
Klik på overskriften for at se de mange fejl.
#21 El vez 21 år siden
#22 filt 21 år siden
#23 DarkLight 21 år siden
#24 filt 21 år siden
#25 filmz-vassago 21 år siden
#26 El vez 21 år siden
#27 filt 21 år siden
#28 filmz-Wacker 21 år siden
pastet fra moviemistakes:
: In the scene where Sam and Frodo are in the field with the scarecrow, you can plainly see a car cruising past in the distance, from right to left. Further comment - there are two different shots which show the car moving from right to left. One starts at the top right distance, and in a shot a few seconds later the car has travelled down the road a bit and is more easily visible. Complicating matters is that the dust thrown up by the car looks similar to smoke from a chimney in the right distance, making some people think it is just the chimney. But chimneys don't move, and the smoke from the chimney is separate from the moving vehicle. [It is deleted on the DVD, but you can still see an obvious bit of image fakery on the hill just left of the smoking chimney. One can see the hill, tree, and surrounding area move up and down and shimmer slightly where someone has done a cut and paste to cover up the auto. The "car inclusive" scene appears on the National Geographic documentary Beyond the Movie The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Also, watch the music documentary on the extended dvd - when it shows this scene the car is still in it. Bizarrely, in his commentary Peter Jackson said he never saw a car and doesn't know what people are talking about, but the production/post-production team say in their commentary that despite not thinking anyone would be able to see it, they took it out anyway
#29 El vez 21 år siden
#30 filmz-vassago 21 år siden