James Camerons “Avatar” vippede i den forgange uge “Titanic” af pinden som den mest omsættende film nogensinde, når man ikke tager højde for inflation, og sci-fi-filmen fortsætter med at lægge afstand til den tidligere rekordindehaver.

De nyeste tal viser, at filmen nu har rundet en ny, magisk grænse og omsat for 2 milliarder dollars på verdensplan! Det svarer til 10,66 milliarder kroner.

I USA ligger filmen i toppen af boxoffice-listen for 7. uge i træk, og om den kan slå “Titanic”s rekord på 15 uger som nr. 1, vil tiden vise.

Hvis man hører til en af de vel efterhånden få, der endnu ikke har fået set “Avatar”, har man stadig mulighed for at se filmen i biografer rundt om i landet.

Klik her for at læse mere om “Avatar”.

Vis kommentarer (300)

#211 filmz-Bruce 14 år siden

#210 Er helt og aldeles enig!
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#212 Michael Andersen 14 år siden

I øjeblikket kan man sælge ko-lort, fåre-fæces og abe-afføring med gigantisk profit, så længe det er pakket ind i et stykke glitrende 3D slikpapir.

Det er en typisk misforståelse :) Folk kommer ikke bare fordi det er 3D, men når det er en film som de gerne vil se og den også kan ses i 3D, så går de efter 3D'en-version således at den sælger fantastisk godt i forhold til 2D'en. Der er mange 3D-film, som ikke har gået særligt godt, fordi folk er ligeglad med filmene. På den måde er det stadig filmene der bestemmer, og det er kun Ragner Grasten som hver gang kan sælge ko-lort, fåre-fæces og abe-afføring med gigantisk profit og sådan har det altid været ;)

Hvem i alverden gider at bruge kræfter og ressourcer på kvalitet, når man kan blive millionær som lorte-opfejer i zoologisk have, så længe man tilføjer 3D-indpakningen? Det er kun vanvittige mennesker som James Cameron, der har (diskutable) ambitioner med kvaliteten af sit indhold. Han er undtagelsen, der i den grad bekræfter reglen.

Der har og vil altid være dem som går efter de hurtige penge, og det er typisk dem vi ser fremme nu med film som "Clash of the Titans" og de mange gyserfilm i 3D, men stort set alle de seriøse kræfter ventede på hvordan det gik med "Avatar", og nu er Steven Spielberg, Ridley Scott, Martin Scorsese osv. så først kommet i gang med 3D, og det vil vi begynde at se frugterne af i 2011. Det tager tid når det skal laves ordentligt, og jeg tror vi skal frem til "Tron Legacy" før der igen kommer en ambitiøs 3D-film.
Smile, you son of a bitch!

#213 filmz-Bruce 14 år siden

#212 Det bliver spændende at følge ihvertfald!
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#214 Highland Park 14 år siden

Filmskaberen og visual effects-troldmanden Douglas Trumbull om Showscan, "2001: A Space Odyssey", 3D og "Avatar" (jeg kan varmt anbefale, at man læser hele interviewet):
http://twitchfilm.net/interviews/2010/05/tcm-classic-film-festival-2010-2001-a-space-odyssey-1968--onstage-conversation-with-douglas-trumbull.php skrev:
"I was really hitting the wall and going broke and--though I've never had an agent--I went to my attorney and said, 'I'm desperate. I've got to find something to do and I do have a lot of ideas about how movies can or should be made. We could dramatically improve the quality of film technology by doing some experiments.' So we actually got some money from Gulf & Western and Paramount Pictures to start a company called Future General Corporation, which was a research and development company down in Marina del Rey where we started experimenting with film. We started exploring tests with every film format known to man, every kind of camera, every kind of lens, every kind of projector and that's when I realized that one thing no one had ever tried was to really dramatically change frame rates. We shot films at 24, 36, 48, 66 and 72 frames per second and showed them in a special theater. We were blown away. We knew it was great; but, in order to get a patent, we had to prove that it was stimulating to audiences. We set up a lab out in Pomona at a university and hooked individuals up in a screening room to galvanic skin response ... four different sensors--breathing, heart rate--like a lie detector test and mapped them out relative to frame rate. That was in 1975-1976 and we found out that getting up to around 60 frames per second created a dramatic increase in human stimulation; a sense of immersion. That became the Showscan film process, which I patented. We did quite a few films for expos and world fairs and other special projects. We invented simulator rides, 3D-interactive video games, virtual sets, electronic cinematography, all kinds of stuff came out of this little company. Then the management of Paramount changed and I was back in development hell."

With the current popularity of 3D, Trumbull was asked if he would have done 2001: A Space Odyssey in 3D were it being made today? "I would," he said, "but not like this." Conceding he was "a complete media fanatic" as a result of working on 2001, he learned a lot about film formats and giant screens and film technology even as they began making the movie. They hit a lot of obstacles. For starters, they discovered that 24 frames per second limited the speed at which anything could move across the screen before it would start blurring and strobing. They had trouble holding the resolution of stars against a black field. But since then, Trumbull has been looking at every conceivable way to make movies, including the Showscan process he developed several years ago that used 60 frames per second, which got rid of all the resolution problems they had making 2001.

Jim Cameron, who has "broken the mold" with Avatar, has often talked about Showscan and high frame rates. They both opine that 24 frames per second is inadequate for 3D and Trumbull is convinced that Cameron will continue to push the envelope. "There has been talk about going to 30 frames per second, there's more talk about 48, there's serious talk about 60, and now there's talk about going to frame rates even above that. As a result of Avatar, and 3D, a whole lot of other dynamics in the way that movies can be made are in play."

Understanding that Trumbull was impressed with Avatar from a technological point of view, Mankiewicz queried whether Trumbull was as impressed with its storyboard? "I have complicated feelings about it," Trumbull offered. "Impressed? Yes. If you look at 2001, Kubrick was trying to explore what he thought was a new cinematic form. He was very tired of normal cinematic conventions: master shots, two shots, over the shoulder singles, close-ups, inserts. There's a language of film that's very well-known that every good filmmaker knows how to do. He was trying to break the mold here. 2001 was a first-person experience. It was about you being in space. He wanted you to be able to interpret any way you wanted and just kind of be there rather than him hitting every nail on the head where--by the end of the movie--you knew everything and there was total closure. He wanted you to drift off into all kinds of your own speculations about what the meaning of life is, what the meaning of God is, what encountering a civilization a billion years in advance of us would entail, and how would we handle it? It's an extremely intelligent movie in that respect. "What I'm getting at is that Jim Cameron made Avatar in this completely amazing new technology, which is only enabled by digital computer graphics; but, it does adhere to normal cinema conventions. All the stuff in there is fairly straight drama ... but he lands in this new territory, which is really beautiful and is one of the attributes that people are enjoying about the movie. We don't discuss it very much and critics don't seem to talk very much about it; but, it's a technology-enabled out-of-body experience. ...He shot his actors in advance, he built all the virtual location sets and props in advance, worked out all his lighting, worked out all his blocking, and then went back in with this virtual camera and looks at the scene in its digital form but with total camera fluidity inside the computer-generated world. He has controls on it so that he can be one-to-one, which means that--if he moves a foot--the camera's going to move a foot. But if he wants a hundred-to-one, they dial it up and just doing this [Trumbull gestures a dive with his hand] is a thousand-foot dive off the edge of a cliff. He becomes, still, the director of these virtual shots that are completely amazing arobatic maneuvers. "Jim is an informed filmmaker because he understands flying dynamics, he understands underwater dynamics, he understands what bioluminescent creatures look like underwater when there's no light, all kinds of things that you see in Avatar that have been informed by a lot of his diving experience before and after Titanic. You see a lot of things in there that are enhancing 3D. They're not necessarily story elements, but--when there's a lot of little sprites and things or motes of dust in the air--it's all about enhancing your perception of depth and scale."
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#215 filmz-Bruce 14 år siden

Tak for det! God info! Trumbull er genial!
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

#216 mr gaijin 14 år siden

Michael Andersen (212) skrev:
det er kun Ragner Grasten som hver gang kan sælge ko-lort, fåre-fæces og abe-afføring med gigantisk profit

OMG! "Anja og Viktor 7 - nu i 3D".
Happiness is not always the best way to be happy.

#217 Highland Park 14 år siden

Bruce (215) skrev:
Trumbull er genial!

Ja, ingen tvivl derom. :)
Det vidste Kubrick tydeligvis også.

Forresten bliver et af Kubricks efterladte projekter "Lunatic at Large" - et 80 sider langt manuskriptudkast skrevet i samarbejde med pulp fiction-forfatteren Jim Thompson - (forhåbentlig) snart filmatiseret. Pt. er bl.a. Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell og den britiske reklamefilminstruktør Christopher Palmer (hans reklamer kan ses her) tilknyttet projektet:
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#218 Lord Beef Jerky 14 år siden

#217 Se, DET var en interessant nyhed!
"Avatar blev skrevet flere år før Pocahontas, og dermed (forhåbentlig indlysende) også før Irak krigen"

#219 Highland Park 14 år siden

#218: Jeg er også helt elektrisk!
... as surely as there's a mouse behind your ear.

#220 filmz-Bruce 14 år siden

#217 Det var dog forrygende interessant! Tak for den oplysning!!! :)
Wishlist hos Axelmusic: http://www.axelmusic.com/wishlist.php?uid=11140

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