George Lucas er blevet så stor fan af en ny 3D teknologi, at han planlægger at “forbedre” den originale Star Wars trilogi til den nye standard.

Endnu er der ikke en fast køreplan for projektet, men der satses på en frigivelse til 30 års jubilæet for den første “Star Wars” film i 2007, og efterfølgende udgive de resterende med et års mellemrum.

Andre markante personligheder i filmindustrien, såsom Peter Jackson, James Cameron, Robert Zemeckis og Robert Rodriguez, har ligeledes udvist interesse for den nye teknologi.

Peter Jackson har officielt ingen konkrete planer om at lave nogen eller ændre specifikke film til 3D, men har installeret et 3-D studio i sit produktionsfirma i New Zealand.

Vis kommentarer (35)

#1 filmz-simos 19 år siden

Hvad vil det lige sige - det der 3D?
En, der kan hjælpe?

#2 nakalay 19 år siden

#1 Måske kan dette hjælpe:
We've got chicken tonight. Strangest damn things. They're man made.

#3 nostromo 19 år siden

This changes nothing, Episode I is still total crap... It will not make a difference...

And that link does nothing for me... I need some kind of teaser or something to give me an idea why, it will blow my socks off... I mean, I see nothing special about it yet...

I am still waiting to be wowed...

Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#4 filmz-Tja 19 år siden

.... ja manden er da heldigvis SÅ genial, så der for malker han ikke konceptet.


#5 nostromo 19 år siden

I guess.... Well I mean you are right... This movies has seen more re-releases and special Editions than anything in the history of movies...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#6 nostromo 19 år siden

[b]Spielberg to make Baywatch movie[b/]

Steven Spielberg is behind moves to bring back Baywatch this time to the big screen.

According to the New York Post, Spielberg has secured the movie rights to the show from its co-creator Greg Bonann and plans to make the movie in 2006.

Baywatch debuted in 1989 as a weekly series on NBC starring David Hasselhoff as the lifeguard who patrolled the beaches of Malibu surrounded by a group of scantily clad lifesavers.

The show was cancelled after 11 years during which time it made sex symbols of stars like Pamela Anderson, Yasmine Bleeth, Carmen Electra, Donna D'Errico and Gena Lee Nolan.

The show aired in more than 140 countries and even spawned a spinoff, Baywatch Nights. It was renamed Baywatch Hawaii when it relocated in 1999.

In 2001 it was cancelled when viewing figures in the US fell to just 1.9 million a week.

Who the heck knew!?!?!?! This sounds very unlike Spielberg. But then he is getting to that mid life crisis stage soon so... Who knows this could be one hell of a funny movie.. or not...
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#7 filmz-thomas _h 19 år siden

#6 hvad er lige relevansen af dit indlæg i denne diskussion??

#8 Léon 19 år siden

This changes nothing, Episode I is still total crap... It will not make a difference...
Nu er der jo også tale om de orginale film, med tiden måske de andre.

I am still waiting to be wowed...
Jep, har det på samme måde

#7 Ved ikke hvad relevansen er til denne nyhed, men uhygligt at tænke på er det da. Tror sku ikke der er hold i det. Ellers rapler det jo for den gode Spielberg.
Léon: [referring to his plant] It's my best friend. Always happy. No questions.

#9 nostromo 19 år siden

Yeah, ok, if it is the originals then ok, I was afraid that it was Episodes I through III.

As for the relevance of the Spielberg topic, there is no relevance and no relation at all, I just couldn't post it anywhere.. I am not allowed. So...

Have a good weekend folks!
Girl: It said my cookies aren't turned on? What am I supposed to do, pour some milk on myself and show them my tits?

#10 filmz-Exitium 19 år siden

"I dont wanna discuss how my fucking coffee tast like!"

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